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Russia finds vast oil and gas reserves in British Antarctic territory

Russia finds vast oil and gas reserves in British Antarctic territory

The EAC decided to challenge the Foreign Office’s management of the UK’s Antarctic interests following reports in the Daily Maverick, a South African online journal, which discovered Moscow’s activities after its survey ship docked in Cape Town. 

Such issues will likely come to a head in India later this month at the annual meeting for signatories to the Antarctic Treaty, where Russia will be challenged on its plans for extracting fossil fuels.

The British Antarctic Territory (BAT) forms the largest and most southerly of the UK’s 14 Overseas Territories – and the least hospitable with 99pc of it covered in ice.

In the prehistoric past, however, it experienced warmer climates, with vegetation that potentially allowed fossil fuel deposits to form.

It stretches north west from the South Pole, embracing the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea – historically renowned as the place where Ernest Shackleton’s ship Endurance sank and now for potentially holding vast oil and gas reserves.

Most of the British Antarctic Territory is subject to competing claims from Argentina and Chile – which are bound to intensify if the evidence from Russia’s seismic surveys are proven by subsequent drilling.

The Foreign Office co-funds the British Antarctic Survey which has five research and logistical stations, and 250 staff, supported by the Royal Navy, and by the research ship RSS David Attenborough – all regarded as vital not just for science but also for maintaining the UK’s claims to the region.

Other experts warn that the Ukraine conflicts, and the rivalry between China and the US were the biggest threats to Antarctica’s future.

Professor Alan Hemmings, commander of the British Antarctic Survey station during the 1982 Falklands war between Argentina and the UK, said the growing tensions could destroy the treaty that has protected the frozen continent from development. The treaty is up for review in 2048 but any nation involved is also able to walk away from it whenever they choose.

Now a researcher at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand and co-author of the Handbook on the Politics of Antarctica, Hemmings said: “There will never be a sane time to extract hydrocarbons out of the Antarctic. The thing that will sink us all is any attempt to realise Antarctica’s hydrocarbons.

“And that, as we see, is precisely the focus of Russian activities right now. “We are in the midst of very serious tensions between Western states and Russia over Ukraine and between the US and China in relation to global hegemony.”

Albert Lluberas Bonaba, executive secretary of the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, said such issues would be discussed at the organisation’s annual conference but would not comment on the tensions around Russia’s activities.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: “The UK is fully committed to the Antarctic Treaty and its prohibition of commercial mineral exploitation.

“Last year, all Parties to the Antarctic Treaty reaffirmed their ongoing commitment to work together under the agreed framework, which reserves Antarctica for scientific use only.”

Rosgeo, headquartered in Moscow, did not respond to requests for comment.