Home » KidZania asks children about their dream jobs ahead of Careers Festival

KidZania asks children about their dream jobs ahead of Careers Festival

KidZania asks children about their dream jobs ahead of Careers Festival

Almost 20% said they wanted to be a YouTuber while 15% said teacher, 14% wanted to be a sports personality and 13% wished to be a game designer. 

The study of 2,000 children aged 6 to 14 years, from KidZania London, an ultra realistic role-play city for kids in Westfield London, White City, provides a snapshot of how the next generation view the world of work.

It found that three in five children were worried about their future job prospects and whether they’ll be able to get a job when they grow up. 

The next generation are also financially aware, with older children aged 11 to 14 years most driven by the desire to secure a well-paying job that will allow them to live a nice life (50%), followed by wanting a job that aligns with their favourite hobbies (36%) and a passion for making a positive impact by helping others (30%).

   Children’s top 10 dream jobs  
 1.  YouTuber  19%
 2.   Teacher  15%
 3.   Sports Personality / Athlete  14%
 4.   Game Designer 13% 
 5.   Vet  12%
 6.   Doctor  9%
 7.  Artist  9%
 8.   Scientist  9%
 9.   Engineer  8%
10.  Fashion Designer 8%

Surprisingly, jobs like Prime Minister, banker and care worker were among the least preferred, with only 2% of children choosing them.

Despite their aspirations to become YouTubers, only five percent of children aged six – 14 believe this role would make the world a better place. Instead they have faith that doctors (35%) and scientists (23%) are the most likely professions to bring about positive change to society.

A look at some of the places children can explore at KidZania London

Further education plays a central role in children’s career plans, with 67% of those aged 11 to 14 currently considering it. Nearly half of those considering higher education (45%) are motivated by the belief that their dream job will require a university degree or college diploma, while 37% cite parental influence as a driving factor.

Commenting on the findings, Patricia Rayneau, COO of KidZania London said: “These findings highlight the very real concerns children have about their future career prospects. The lingering effect of the Covid-19 pandemic and proceeding economic uncertainty has indeed left its mark on young minds. At KidZania we believe in nurturing dreams and ambitions and do everything we can to empower children, boost their confidence and broaden their horizons.

Children try out jobs in a supermarket setting at KidZania London

“It’s fascinating to see that children are eager to explore less traditional career paths, including YouTuber, games designer, athlete and artist. However, we must also address the future skills gap and encourage children to consider essential professions such as a tradesperson and care worker to help create a better world.” 

Despite most children aged six – 14 years old (57%) believing that both girls and boys can do any job, hidden gender biases still persist.

Kidzania London’s Careers Festival 2024

To ignite the aspirations of the future generation and highlight the numerous career possibilities within their grasp, KidZania London will be hosting the Careers Festival between 4th and 8th March, 2024.

Here’s a look back at the 2023 Careers Festival: 

Students will experience immersive activities for up to four hours and will have the chance to meet with a range of industry professionals. There will also be a broad selection of companies across a variety of sectors for students to speak to, including those from British Airways, the Met Police, and more.