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Daily horoscope: September 7, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Daily horoscope: September 7, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Metro.co.uk) A restless energy abounds. But if we know how to channel it the spontaneity this energy provides can only be a good thing. But, you’ll want to avoid saying what you might regret later once it passes. Ahead, you’ll find all the star signs’ horoscopes for today: Saturday September 7,...

Daily horoscope: September 6, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Daily horoscope: September 6, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Metro.co.uk) Juno the asteroid has landed into our relationship zone, ready to spark some serious connections. And, with Venus right behind, it’s no surprise that everything’s feels sweet. Whether it’s romance, friendship, or self-love, be ready to dedicate yourself to what truly matters to you. Ahead, you’ll find...

Daily horoscope: September 5, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Daily horoscope: September 5, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Metro.co.uk) Pluto reverts back into Capricorn, the planet of consequence. Though it may feel uncomfortable at first, this is the perfect time to confront truths you’ve perhaps avoided – especially in regards to relationships. Have you ever asked yourself why you befriended them in the first place? Careful...

Daily horoscope: September 3, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Daily horoscope: September 3, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Metro.co.uk) It’s a New Moon – harbinger of fresh starts and new beginnings. That means new possibilities; financially, romantically and exploratively. And, with this lunation in Virgo – you’ll be taking every necessary step to make sure these new ventures go off without a hitch. Ahead, you’ll find...

Daily horoscope: August 31, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Daily horoscope: August 31, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Metro.co.uk) Today’s cosmic line-up gives you the green light to shine bright and take the lead. Whether you’re an ambitious Aries, a practical Taurus, or a curious Gemini, the stars are aligning to help you make the most of your strengths. When the moment presents itself – embrace...

Daily horoscope: August 29, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Daily horoscope: August 29, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Metro.co.uk) As Venus graces Libra, you’re stepping into a phase where connection and creativity are your superpowers. The energy around you is ripe for deepening bonds, exploring fresh passions, and crafting something uniquely yours.  Today is all about taking the steps to better yourself. Ahead, you’ll find all...

Daily horoscope: August 28, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Daily horoscope: August 28, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Metro.co.uk) The Venus and Neptune opposition can have you seeing things differently… Jealous? You’ll introspect and realise why you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Conversely, be wary of those intent on flattering you. They could have some envious tendencies of their own. Ahead, you’ll find all the star...

Daily horoscope: August 26, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Daily horoscope: August 26, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Metro.co.uk) Today’s moon has a transformative effect, pulling deep tides of change. While others may seem reluctant to do the same, don’t let that cloud your perspective. Instead, embrace the opportunity to set aside differences… At least for the moment. Ahead, you’ll find all the star signs’ horoscopes for today: Monday...