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Daily horoscope: August 24, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Daily horoscope: August 24, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Metro.co.uk) Nostalgia is a powerful force, capable of bringing either joy or sorrow depending on where you direct your thoughts. As Mercury’s retrograde continues to influence your reflections, be mindful of what you choose to revisit in your past. Remember, you have the power to shape how your...

Astrologer shares money, health and love predictions for the rest of August

Astrologer shares money, health and love predictions for the rest of August

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Continue with your current efforts because your hard work will eventually yield positive results. Although the process may seem monotonous and unexciting, keep pushing forward. The knowledge you gain will greatly benefit you in the long run. Taurus (Apr21/May21) A partner or someone who is just as close has been prioritising their career...

Daily horoscope: August 23, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

Daily horoscope: August 23, 2024 astrological predictions for your star sign

What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Metro.co.uk) Virgo, the pragmatist, prompts us to question our desires. With fiery Mars and lovely Venus propelling you forward – this can lead to conflict when Virgo becomes the voice urging you reconsider. In moments like these, resist the urge to over-analyse – let your drive speak for...

Bad news for horoscope readers! Astrology doesn’t work – and predictions based on the motion of the planets and stars are no better than random guesses, scientists say

Bad news for horoscope readers! Astrology doesn’t work – and predictions based on the motion of the planets and stars are no better than random guesses, scientists say

If you’re one of the millions of people who turn to their horoscope to learn what the future might hold, then scientists have some bad news. Proponents of astrology claim that the movement of the stars and planets can influence and even predict the behaviour and lives of humans on Earth. If this were true,...

Aries Daily Horoscope – 19 August 2024

Aries Daily Horoscope – 19 August 2024

As the Full Moon takes place in your 11th house, it’s time to look at the things you’ve been hoping and wishing for. Either it’s going to become clear how you can make it happen or it might be about to become clear that it’s a pipedream you’d do best to move on from. As...

Horoscope predictions for the upcoming Supermoon Blue Moon – all zodiac signs

Horoscope predictions for the upcoming Supermoon Blue Moon – all zodiac signs

The moon will appear full for around three days, from Sunday morning (August 18, 2024) until Wednesday morning. As the moon orbits closer to Earth than usual, the celestial object will seem significantly larger and brighter. How does this year’s Supermoon Blue Moon impact each zodiac sign in the astrological sphere when it comes to...

Famous Stonehenge stone came from Scotland not Wales

Famous Stonehenge stone came from Scotland not Wales

The six-tonne Altar Stone at the heart of Stonehenge came from the far north of Scotland rather than south-west Wales as previously thought, new analysis has found. The discovery shows the construction of Stonehenge was a far greater collaborative effort than scientists realised. It also means that the ancient monument, near Salisbury in south-west England,...

Your weekly horoscope is here!

Your weekly horoscope is here!

Overview: The words you speak offer the freedom you seek! A powerful conjunction between Mars and Jupiter in communicative Gemini on Wednesday reminds you that your self-talk can bring you to liberation or entrapment. Choose carefully! Another major transit arrives on Sunday when the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo highlights your primary theme of this Mercury...