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Tells us if you think Britain should support Ukraine’s front line in Russia

Tells us if you think Britain should support Ukraine’s front line in Russia

Ukraine appears to have launched an attack into the Russian region of Kursk bordering its territory. First reports of a ground attack emerged on Tuesday and were denounced by Alexei Smirnov, the governor of the Russian region being assaulted. After speaking of “attempted border breakthroughs”, Smirnov claimed Ukrainians had attacked Russian border force units in...

Why Anti-Racism Protests And Riots Are Sweeping Across The UK

Why Anti-Racism Protests And Riots Are Sweeping Across The UK

London: A wave of riots, sparked by a deadly attack at a children’s dance event and further fueled by a torrent of misinformation, has gripped parts of the United Kingdom. What began as a community’s grief over the tragic loss of three young girls has spiralled into nationwide chaos, with far-right groups using the moment...

Thousands rally in solidarity with minorities amid UK anti-immigrant riots

Thousands rally in solidarity with minorities amid UK anti-immigrant riots

The Northampton police asked the counter-protesters to disperse as the far-right protesters mellowed (Photo: PTI) 2 min read Last Updated : Aug 08 2024 | 9:04 AM IST Thousands of anti-racist counter-protesters demonstrated on Wednesday in solidarity with ethnic minorities in England, who were subjected to violent anti-immigrant riots, Al Jazeera reported. The...

Polls cast doubt on Labour’s handling of riots in Britain

Polls cast doubt on Labour’s handling of riots in Britain

LONDON: With far-right protests planned for Wednesday and thousands of riot police deployed across Britain to deal with the threat of riots, a survey on the British public’s views on the riots and the response from Prime Minister Keir Starmer and his government shows widespread disdain for their handling of the situation. Published by YouGov,...

London was on high alert, but few far-right demonstrators came to the capital

London was on high alert, but few far-right demonstrators came to the capital

LONDON — The British capital was tense Wednesday as police, fearing a possible outbreak of the right-wing rioting that erupted elsewhere in Britain in recent days, flooded into several neighborhoods with large immigrant populations. But the handful of anti-immigrant demonstrators police encountered in neighborhoods like Finchley and Harrow were vastly outnumbered by hundreds of counterprotesters...

Four UK beaches have just been named the best in the world

Four UK beaches have just been named the best in the world

Ah, Great Britain. Land of football, pubs, royals and sarcasm. There are many things the UK does well, but beach weather is not one of them, leaving many of us longing for an escape to faraway sands. But it might be time to reconsider: the Telegraph has listed four UK seaside spots among the 50 best beaches...

Mapping far-right riots in the UK

Mapping far-right riots in the UK

Rioters have attacked people, shops, cars and public spaces as far-right violence sweeps across the United Kingdom. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has decried “far-right thuggery”. But members of Muslim community and activists have accused politicians, including the governing Labour party, of downplaying the levels of racism and Islamophobia taking place. They also say politicians and...

UK disorder: What’s Elon Musk’s game?

UK disorder: What’s Elon Musk’s game?

BBC X can feel like two parallel universes at times. There’s the version where the president of the United States chooses the platform to announce he won’t be running for re-election. That’s the one where the worldwide authority on a particular subject uses X to offer their expert take on unfolding events. And then there’s...

British Land weighs opposition to Cineworld restructuring

British Land weighs opposition to Cineworld restructuring

British Land is considering voting against a restructuring of Cineworld’s British operations that could lead to the closure of dozens of sites. Sky News has learnt that British Land, one of Britain’s biggest commercial property companies, is among a number of landlords dissatisfied with formal proposals tabled by the cinema giant. Cineworld has confirmed plans...

Russia issues furious response after being accused of plotting chaos in Britain

Russia issues furious response after being accused of plotting chaos in Britain

Russia has slammed the British government’s response to riots across England after being accused of facilitating and encouraging the disorder. Yesterday, the Express revealed security experts were pointing the finger at Vladimir Putin’s regime after studying the way anonymous organisers had spread misinformation and created events that sparked violence over the past week. Taking to...

British police brace for anti-Muslim riots and counter protests

British police brace for anti-Muslim riots and counter protests

British Police braced for further anti-Muslim riots on Wednesday as far-right groups planned to target asylum centres and immigration law firms across the country, prompting anti-fascist protesters to organise counter demonstrations. Britain has been gripped by an escalating wave of violence that erupted early last week after three young girls were killed in a knife...