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UK Election: Number Of Seats, Candidates, Voters And Polling Stations

UK Election: Number Of Seats, Candidates, Voters And Polling Stations

There are 4,515 candidates from 98 different political parties. London, United Kingdom: Here are some of the key numbers as UK voters go to the polls Thursday in a general election predicted to see the ruling Conservatives dumped out of office after 14 years. 650 seats The number of seats up for grabs across England,...

Мистър Скука ли ще е следващият премиер на Великобритания?

Мистър Скука ли ще е следващият премиер на Великобритания?

Едни виждат в него прагматик и центрист, други го упрекват, че се държи като ветропоказател – твърде често променя мнението си и не изпълнява дадените обещания. Кой е Киър Стармър, вероятният нов британски премиер? Журналистите го смятат за твърде скучен, за да стане премиер. Казват за него, че в телевизионните дебати се проявява като „политически...

Down-and-out U.K. coastal town looks set to elect Trump ally Nigel Farage

Down-and-out U.K. coastal town looks set to elect Trump ally Nigel Farage

Farage, an ebullient and media-friendly firebrand who has run seven unsuccessful campaigns for office in Britain, did not respond to requests for an interview.  His message lands for many in Clacton who hanker for a time when British holidaymakers flocked to seaside resorts like this one instead of looking to Europe and beyond for their...

France, Britain and others allowed to intervene in Myanmar ICJ genocide case

France, Britain and others allowed to intervene in Myanmar ICJ genocide case

Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Britain and the Maldives are allowed to intervene in Gambia’s Myanmar genocide case with the International Court of Justice, the ICJ said in a statement on Wednesday. Myanmar has denied genocide, rejecting the U.N. findings as “biased and flawed”. It says its crackdown was aimed at Rohingya rebels who...

US ends legal fight against Titanic expedition

US ends legal fight against Titanic expedition

The US government has officially ended its legal fight against an upcoming expedition to the Titanic shipwreck after the company that owns the ship’s salvage rights scaled back its dive plans. But the US said in court filings last week that it may wage court battles over future expeditions if they break a federal law...

Is Britain the world’s most self-loathing nation?

Is Britain the world’s most self-loathing nation?

Even Britain’s pensioners, a generation you might expect to be more pragmatic, seem to regard our treasures with short shrift – which might explain why two octogenarians launched an attack on a Magna Carta exhibition at the British Library in May.  Food  British food is so often disparaged by continental Europeans and Americans alike as...

Britain’s election could be historic. Here’s what to know.

Britain’s election could be historic. Here’s what to know.

LONDON — Millions of Brits go to the polls Thursday, in an election likely to oust the Conservative Party that has dominated postwar politics and ruled the United Kingdom for the past 14 years. Who governs Britain should matter to Americans. The U.K. is considered Washington’s closest ally, it is the world’s sixth largest economy,...