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Japan’s Emperor, Empress leave for UK state visit | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Japan’s Emperor, Empress leave for UK state visit | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako have left on an eight-day state visit to Britain. The Emperor and Empress departed on a government plane from Tokyo’s Haneda Airport on Saturday. The Imperial couple were sent off by Crown Prince and Princess Akishino, Supreme Court Chief Justice Tokura Saburo, and the charge d’affaires ad interim of...

Изборите във Великобритания: Очаква се голяма победа за Лейбъристката партия

Изборите във Великобритания: Очаква се голяма победа за Лейбъристката партия

Лейбъристката партия във Великобритания ще спечели 425 парламентарни мандата, а Консервативната партия се свива до 108 от настоящите 365, сочи неотдавнашно социологическо проучване на института “ЮГов” (YouGov), цитирано от Ройтерс и БТА. Според допитването лидерът на лейбъристите Киър Стармър ще встъпи в длъжност като министър-председателя на „Даунинг Стрийт“ 10 с мнозинство от 200 депутати след...

UK PM Sunak’s Conservatives set for heavy election defeat, polls forecast

UK PM Sunak’s Conservatives set for heavy election defeat, polls forecast

Three opinion polls on Wednesday predicted a record defeat for British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak‘s Conservatives at a July 4 election, forecasting the Labour Party would comfortably win a large majority after 14 years in opposition. Polling by YouGov showed Keir Starmer’s Labour was on track to win 425 parliamentary seats in Britain’s 650-strong House...

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s bodyguard arrested over alleged bets on UK election date

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s bodyguard arrested over alleged bets on UK election date

LONDON — One of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s police bodyguards has been arrested over alleged bets on the date of Britain’s national election made before it was announced, authorities said Wednesday. The Metropolitan Police force said that a constable in the Royalty and Specialist Protection Command was arrested Monday on suspicion of misconduct in public office. The arrest came...

UK at loggerheads with US and Germany over Ukraine joining Nato

UK at loggerheads with US and Germany over Ukraine joining Nato

US officials are reportedly concerned that describing the path to joining the alliance as “irreversible” would be unacceptable to some members, including Hungary. However, some other members say that Ukraine has yet to meet the criteria for entry by reforming its government. Joe Biden, the US president, said earlier this month that he opposed the...

Meet ‘AI Steve’, First AI Candidate Contesting In UK Elections

Meet ‘AI Steve’, First AI Candidate Contesting In UK Elections

AI Steve can have up to 10,000 conversations at once. The UK voters will have the chance to elect the world’s first AI lawmaker in the forthcoming elections. Businessman Steve Endacott is running as an independent candidate in Britain’s July 4 national election, but his campaign features an AI-generated avatar named “AI Steve”. Steve Endacott,...

Galloway launches Workers Party manifesto, warns of ‘Armageddon’

Galloway launches Workers Party manifesto, warns of ‘Armageddon’

George Galloway launched his party’s vision for Britain promising a brighter future while warning the world is edging closer to nuclear “Armageddon”. Mr Galloway, leader of the Workers Party of Great Britain, presented his 34-page manifesto supported by a smattering of supporters and some of the 154 candidates standing for Westminster representing his party. Described...

Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters | CBC News

Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters | CBC News

Environmental protesters sprayed paint on Britain’s Stonehenge on Wednesday, with orange marks covering some of the stones of the world-famous prehistoric megalithic structure on the eve of the summer solstice celebrations. Two people have been arrested on suspicion of damaging the ancient monument, local police said in a statement. In video released by environmental group...

EU in crisis as Hungary set to throw Ukraine’s accession talks into chaos

EU in crisis as Hungary set to throw Ukraine’s accession talks into chaos

Fears Ukraine’s ambitions to join the European Union may be halted for six months by Vladimir Putin‘s closest ally in the bloc appear to have been confirmed. In accordance with the Council of the European Union‘s regulations, Hungary is to take over its rotating presidency from July 1 and retain the role until the end...

In UK, World’s First AI Candidate To Contest Elections

In UK, World’s First AI Candidate To Contest Elections

Most locals appeared reluctant to vote for an AI candidate just yet. London: When voters go to the polls in one English town next month they will get the chance to elect what is being billed as the world’s first AI lawmaker. Businessman Steve Endacott is among hundreds of candidates standing to become a member...