December 15 is a power day on the calendar, with the Full Moon in Gemini and Mercury turning direct after a retrograde meaning all the cosmic juices are flowing again.
Blocked or delayed communications, agreements, travels, upgrades, pitches, and opportunities are all unblocked and within reach once more. Access all areas.
This is a day to embark upon a heartfelt dream that explores a new horizon, a new landscape, a different space outside of your usual comfort zone. Be the early bird who gets the worm and take action today!
Let the tarot identify your dream and your first step towards making it happen.
March 21 to April 20
Tarot card for Aries for December 15: King of Cups
Meaning: You are dreaming of a happy family, blissful love life, connection and intimacy that makes you feel proud, understood, content, and needed. You are a passionate, warm person and your relationship realm is very important to your overall sense of wellbeing and peace.
Resolve to set the tone, be the example, show what it is you need by giving it proactively yourself. Be what you wish to attract and you will attract what you wish for.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21
Tarot card for Taurus for December 15: Five of Cups
Meaning: You have longed to set something right, to repair or heal or restore whatever was lost, broken, or removed. It can be done! It shall be done! Be honest with yourself about what you want back, and why, and make a step towards that reconciliation today.
Be the bigger person. Be the one who steps up and does something positive here… and let that be mirrored. If not, well, you tried (and who knows what might happen within the coming week).
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21
Tarot card for Gemini for December 15: Ace of Swords
Meaning: You want to say how you feel and that, for a Gemini, is a pretty big deal and means that what you’ve got to say is very important to you. So often, you deflect painful or tough issues with humour and self-deprecation.
But now, your thoughts are in order, your feelings are under control, and you know you need to share this experience or emotion because you want things to change. Make time today to start to process and dialogue. It might take all month to come to a conclusion (a good one!) but it starts today.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23
Tarot card for Cancer for December 15: Eight of Cups
Meaning: You don’t like quitting, releasing, letting go, ending something… you always see the best in things and think something can be salvaged. Cancer, this December 15, write off something, end it, quit, leave, draw a line.
I promise that what will happen is an immediate and positive replacement of what you ended. It wasn’t meant to be or meant for you. Accept that with good grace and turn your gaze elsewhere because much better opportunity awaits you.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23
Tarot card for Leo for December 15: Knight of Wands
Meaning: Start the mission! Activate the quest! Accept the challenge! Whatever grabs your attention today, follow it through and invest fully. Let this be a spontaneous and unexpected opening, so don’t overthink it, just notice where your energy is attracted and amplified today.
The Knight of Wands is bold, swashbuckling, Indiana Jones-type character. This is you in full flow, this is you living life large and off the cuff. Prime your radar and see the adventure available to you today.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23
Tarot card for Virgo for December 15: The Sun
Meaning: Today could be one of the best days of 2024, Virgo! The Sun is the tarot’s most positive card, its totem of joy, positivity, confidence, success, and love. If you’re thinking of booking a holiday too (somewhere sunny) then it’s also a good omen. The Sun is like an invitation to step through a portal into a dream life that you long to live.
What’s stopping you? As long as you have health and energy, you can manifest new things and adventures, starting right now. Go design your life.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23
Tarot card for Libra for December 15: The Moon
Meaning: There’s a mystery or major unanswered question that you long to address. Now is the time. This Full Moon is for you, Libra, to ponder upon what is really going on and form a series of mini questions or steps you can take to get to the bottom of things.
Imagine you were a highly paid consultant brought in to solve this riddle for you… where would you start? What underpins this secret? Who knows something? What questions will provoke new info? You love analysis and you’re good at it. Set to it, this is your mission.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22
Tarot card for Scorpio for December 15: The Emperor
Meaning: The Emperor is linked to Aries, ruled by Mars, but do you know that Mars was once your ruling planet too (before Pluto was discovered)? So, you’re feeling very powerful, ambitious, and like nothing can get in your way today.
Mars is the god of war and is fuelled by his own agenda and goals. This week is literally like an invitation to make things happen which you might think aren’t possible. Reach for the stars, ask for the impossible, demand the unreasonable! You will get further than you think.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21
Tarot card for Sagittarius for December 15: Six of Swords
Meaning: Sometimes there is great satisfaction in quitting, in walking away and severing ties from something that has long been difficult, draining and unrewarding. Your gift today is to do just that. Cut the cord. Say no. Retire. Retreat.
The real treat here is that you will save a heap of time, energy, and vitality (you don’t yet appreciate just how draining this had become) that you can now divert elsewhere, into something a lot more rewarding and fulfilling.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21
Tarot card for Capricorn for December 15: Ace of Coins
Meaning: Activate a new goal today that leans on your health, wellbeing, work or wealth. Something that is big, inspiring, life-changing even, and that will take up to a year to really crack (but every step you take will yield positive rewards so it will all feel good).
The Ace of Coins is like a seed that you plant and then nurture for the next year, sowing now to reap later. Make this something practical and tangible, create mini rewards for milestones achieved. Start now.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19
Tarot card for Aquarius for December 15: Nine of Swords
Meaning: The Nine of Swords asks you to do yourself a great service today and cosy up with a confidant, partner, or trusted friend and share a secret worry or dread. Get it all off your chest.
Full Moons are about reflection and review, and you’ve been carrying a burden that has stopped you feeling as optimistic and hopeful about the future as you normally would be. Restore your good energy and outlook by releasing this dark cloud. Saying it all out loud will dispel its hold over you, and you can take practical steps to tackle anything remaining.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20
Tarot card for Pisces for December 15: Page of Wands
Meaning: There is no masterplan to put into action, as such, but there are lots of ‘little ideas’ that you’re dying to try, so focus on a portfolio of goals and ambitions, Pisces. Be organised. Use today as a planning phase, prioritise the list, allocating times and actions to each mini goal.
And go into this open-minded. Some stuff you won’t enjoy, so just bin that immediately. Some stuff you’ll love, so bump that up the list and give it more weight. Adjust as you go. Enjoy the ride. See this as a month of experimentation!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with nearly 30 years of fortune telling experience and many happy clients all over the world. Join her tarot club on Patreon for exclusive forecasts, predictions, lessons, readings and 1-1 access.
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