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Whisper it, but the election shows that Britain is fast turning French

Whisper it, but the election shows that Britain is fast turning French

Britain, the Brexiteers claimed in 2016, is fundamentally different from the Continent – above all in its political culture, but also economically and constitutionally. At first sight, the 2024 election would seem to confirm that judgment. France appears likely to elect Marine Le Pen’s radical-Right National Rally as the leading party in the National Assembly,...

How to Style like … Lewis Hamilton: F1 champ dresses as boldly as he drives

How to Style like … Lewis Hamilton: F1 champ dresses as boldly as he drives

Formula One drivers don’t lack confidence. Their sport favours the fast and the brave and Lewis Hamilton has very much proved he is both those things, winning the world championship a joint record seven times – and piling up millions in the process. The 39-year-old Briton displays those same traits off the track too, with...

Britain is in danger of becoming a global irrelevance

Britain is in danger of becoming a global irrelevance

No sooner will our new Government have been formed after today’s general election than it will find itself facing intense scrutiny over its likely approach to the many global challenges that lie ahead. First stop for the newly-elected prime minister will be a visit to Washington DC on Tuesday to attend the 75th anniversary celebrations...

Tory Remainers are the authors of their party’s defeat

Tory Remainers are the authors of their party’s defeat

The oddity of European politics is that Britain is moving sharply to the Left while most of the Continent is moving even further to the Right. In Britain, young people and even the middle aged are abandoning Conservatism. Elsewhere in Europe, the young are the pillars of a radical Right-wing upsurge. On the Continent, the...

Donald Trump is going to turn Starmer’s Britain into an international laughing stock

Donald Trump is going to turn Starmer’s Britain into an international laughing stock

Grandfather Robert Blackstock, a retired engineer from Nottinghamshire, became the “Brenda from Bristol” of this election campaign when he asked Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer during Wednesday night’s TV debate: “Are you two really the best we’ve got to be the next prime minister of our great country?” Like the woman who responded to Theresa...

Armageddon is upon us, and Britain will never be the same again

Armageddon is upon us, and Britain will never be the same again

Make the most of living in Conservative Britain: Armageddon is upon us. In a little over a week, the Tory government – that last, oh-so-imperfect, infuriatingly porous roadblock to Left-wing hegemony – will have been obliterated. The removal vans, symbols of regime change, will be on their way. Parliament, the last major institution in Britain...

Nobody is confronting the great Remainer lie about Brexit

Nobody is confronting the great Remainer lie about Brexit

Eight years ago on Sunday, we went to vote in the Brexit referendum. Let’s not forget that most of our rulers never wanted it in the first place. It only happened because of the campaigning of Nigel Farage and Ukip and the determination of a bunch of Tory MPs like Sir Bill Cash. It became...

World War 3 has already started

World War 3 has already started

The D-Day commemorations in Normandy took place against a sombre backdrop. Ukraine’s war for national survival has been raging for over two years, and the Middle East is on fire. While the Second World War is in our thoughts this week, we should soon be turning our thoughts on World War Three. The UK’s strategic...

Britain has become the welfare state for the world

Britain has become the welfare state for the world

New properties were being built. Designer clothes were suddenly evident everywhere. And the whole place was flush with cash. When Inspector Vassil Panayotov, a determined copper who could have stepped straight out of an old-fashioned detective mystery, noticed how much money was swilling around the Bulgarian village of Sliven, in the foothills of the Balkan...

This may be the last election before the next world war

This may be the last election before the next world war

At a time when the world has not been so dangerous since the height of the Cold War, it is vital that defence, and the imperative of equipping our military and security forces for the challenges that lie ahead, takes centre stage in the forthcoming general election. The world has arguably not found itself in...

China’s next shock is coming – and Britain and Europe are sitting ducks

China’s next shock is coming – and Britain and Europe are sitting ducks

Professor Michael Pettis of Beijing University says investment has spiked back up to 42-44pc of GDP, far surpassing any level ever seen in any major country since the industrial revolution. Other Asian tigers peaked in the low-30s before dropping back as they became richer. Xi Jinping has reverted to the worst pathologies of the old...