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What the stars have in store for you in June

What the stars have in store for you in June

Red‘s resident astrologer, Yasmin Boland, reveals what’s in store for your star sign in June 2024, with her free horoscope for all the signs of the zodiac. Find out what’s in store for your sign this month…


22 May to 22 June

No matter what happens this month, try to keep things in perspective. The more you can find to be grateful for – even if people seem hellbent on annoying or even trying manipulate you – the better. Practising gratitude is the best thing you can do now.


23 June to 23 July

There is a lot going on in your life that you’re choosing not to talk about, and that’s fine. It’s the perfect moment to play your cards close to your chest. Everything will be revealed in time. When you’re manifesting, you’re usually better off not letting the doubters know your plans anyway.


24 July to 23 August

There will be times when you feel like the people you love most have it in for you, under your current astrology. On one hand, now is a time when you can transform all your most powerful relationships. On the other, if you get into power struggles with people this month, it could end up going very wrong. Avoid controlling types.


24 August to 23 September

The New Moon in your Career Zone, coupled with expansive Jupiter in the same part of your chart, suggests that now is the time to aim higher professionally. So think about what you want to achieve career-wise, and make a list for how to make it happen. This is not the time to be a shy, retiring Virgo!


24 September to 23 October

Go easy this month with the people in your life. You’re in the mood to sort things out where there has been an issue, and that’s great. However, around mid-month, it will be too easy for tempers to flare. You’re in a healing cycle for relationships right now, so do whatever it takes to make the most of that. No shouting!


24 October to 22 November

You really can transform your personal life for the better now. Think about your ideal scenario when it comes to home and family. What changes do you want to see? Transformation is possible now in terms of where you live, who you live with and even how you get on with those closest to you. Just keep your Scorpio sting under control!


23 November to 21 December

If you want changes in your most important relationships, June is your month. Not only is Lady Luck on your side when it comes to romance, but you have almost magical powers in terms of relating to others. Just make sure you don’t allow anger to spoil what could otherwise be a very good time.


22 December to 20 January

It might not sound particularly exciting, but the best thing you can do for yourself this month is focus on your everyday life. Which routines should you include on a regular basis so that you feel more functional? Try to avoid having any arguments about money. And detox your spending habits if you need to.


21 January to 19 February

Having Pluto in your sign (as you do now) is no joke. The way to handle it is to think of every crisis as a way to find healing for something in your life that you need to overcome on your way to enlightenment! Don’t be afraid to be honest about what you’re going through. Show others how to be amazing.


20 February to 20 March

With any issues that come up for you this month, scratch the surface and what you’re very likely to find is fear. But don’t let fear hold you back. It’s important you understand this period of your life is about realising how far you’ve come, and how strong you are. Don’t get yourself into trouble by saying too much.


21 March to 2o April

One friendship and your finances are looking a little precarious, so tread carefully. There are astrological changes happening which, on the bright side, could leave you feeling less frazzled than you have lately. However, there’s also a chance they could stir up issues to do with a friend or your finances – or maybe even a combination of the two.


21 April to 21 May

This month sees the planet of action and drive, Mars, moving into your sign for the first time in around two years. This is great; it’s going to give you some extra va va va voom. Expect to feel way more motivated and driven. However, watch out mid-month when Mars could make you overly argumentative! Be extra nice at work.

For your extended month forecast, visit Yasmin’s website at